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Plymouth Veterans Services moves

Plymouth Guide - 2018/4/12

PLYMOUTH — Veterans Services has moved to 26 Court St., downtown.

Veterans Services' mission is to care for and assist low income Plymouth Veterans and their families, unemployed veterans and homeless veterans, in obtaining financial assistance for food, shelter, clothing, fuel, and medical care from all sources available under both federal and Massachusetts General Laws to which they are entitled. Spouses of deceased veterans are eligible for the same benefits as if the veteran were still living. In addition, the Veterans Service Office will assist veterans in filing Veterans Administration compensation claims, VA pension claims, Massachusetts State Annuities, tax abatements and enrolling in the VA Health Care system. It also assists family members in filing for benefits from both the state and federal government that they are entitled to and assist in obtaining military records, medical records, discharge papers, awards and grave markers. They also field any and all questions relating to veterans.

The office has a trained Serving Health Insurances Needs of Everyone counselor to assist in the complicated process of understanding the Medicare system to help them choose the best options in medical coverage, drug prescription plans, and how long-term care works. Services are also provided in assisting the elderly in applying for the Medicare buy-in program, MassHealth, Low-income Subsidy and Prescription Advantage.

Veterans Services helps veterans obtain assistance that is specific to elderly veterans, such as Adult Daycare and home health care working through VA Social Workers and Old Colony Elderly Services.

The department continues to assist all veterans regardless of income with assistance in obtaining wheelchairs, power chairs, ramps, adjustable beds and anything else that is a quality of life issue for Veterans through a network of Veteran Services Officers around the state. It also assists all veterans and family members regardless of income on other avenues of approach that may be available to them like Social Security or Department of Labor programs.

Plymouth Veteran Services serves all veterans and their families regardless of income or assets. For additional information or to schedule an appointment call 508-747-1620, ext. 10172 or ext. 10173.